Claire Chase, Density 2036, part vi, ArtLab at Harvard University.  Photo: Aram Boghosian.


The ArtLab’s residency program hosts:

•  Visiting artists nominated annually by Advisory Committee

•  Harvard faculty artists nominated annually by Advisory Committee

•  One Loeb/ArtLab Fellow per year, selected through the Loeb Fellowship application process

Learn about past and current artists-in-residence below.

In addition to residencies, ArtLab supports the research and development of Harvard-affiliated projects by rolling application. Learn more about Projects

Questions about residencies or projects can be directed to

Visiting artist Sa’dia Rehman shows work in progress to visitors during an open studios event at ArtLab in May 2024. Photo: Mack McKenzie, ArtLab at Harvard University.



7 results found.

Samora Pinderhughes

Collaboration with HUCA and Creative Practice/Critical Inquiry (CPCI)
Headshot of Samora Pinderhughes - he is wearing a black cap and navy jacket, looking straight at the camera with a serious expression

Shana M. griffin

Loeb/ArtLab Fellow
Black and white headshot of Shana m. griffin - a black woman with long dark braids, wearing a black garment. She is looking directly at the camera, not smiling.

Malakhai Pearson

Visiting Artist
Headshot of Malahkai Pearson - a man looking straight at the camera. He is of medium skin tone, with dark short hair and a beard. He is wearing black framed glasses and a black collared shirt.

Craig Douglas

Faculty Residency
Headshot of Graid Douglas - a black and white photo of a light skinned man with short hair and dark eyes. He is looking straight at the camera and smiling, wearing a black collared shirt.

Malkit Shoshan

Faculty Residency
Headshot of Malkit Shoshan, looking at the camera with a slight smile, in front of a gray background

Louisa Penfold

Faculty Residency
Headshot of Louisa Penfold - a person with a light complexion and light brown hair wearing a navy shirt smiling at the camera

Rosalea Monacella

Faculty Residency
Black and white portrait of Roselea Monacella - a woman with light toned skin, curly blonde hair, and black rimmed glasses. She is smiling and looking straight at the camera.


7 results found.

Frank Waln

Visiting ArtistCollaboration with HUCA and HUNAP
Headshot of Lakota artist Frank Waln. His head is turned to the rights and he is looking pensively into the distance.

Joseph Zeal Henry

Loeb/ArtLab Fellow

Liz Lerman

Visiting ArtistCollaboration with HUCA

Sa’dia Rehman

Visiting Artist
Headshot of Sa'dia Rehman - a medium-skinned person with short dark hair and a black turtleneck

Samora Pinderhughes

Collaboration with HUCA and Creative Practice/Critical Inquiry (CPCI)
Headshot of Samora Pinderhughes - he is wearing a black cap and navy jacket, looking straight at the camera with a serious expression

Shriya Srinivasan

Faculty Residency

Valeria Luiselli

Faculty Residency


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4 results found.

Dario Calmese

Loeb/ArtLab Fellow
Dario Calmese

Lisa E. Harris

Visiting Artist
Lisa E. Harris

Louisa Penfold

Faculty Residency
Louisa Penfold

Valeria Luiselli

Faculty Residency


Items will instantly refresh upon filtering.
6 results found.

esperanza spalding

Faculty Residency
Esperanza Spaulding

Frank Waln

Visiting ArtistCollaboration with HUCA and HUNAP
Headshot of Lakota artist Frank Waln. His head is turned to the rights and he is looking pensively into the distance.

Grisha Coleman

Visiting ArtistRadcliffe-Film Study Center Fellow/David and Roberta Logie Fellow
Grisha Coleman

Jordan Weber

Loeb/ArtLab Fellow
Jordan Weber

Lins Derry

Visiting ArtistCollaboration with metaLab (at) Harvard
Lins Derry


Visiting ArtistCollege Fellows: Media Practice


4 results found.

Dario Robleto

Visiting Artist

Ilya Vidrin

Visiting Artist

Meredith Monk

Visiting ArtistCollaboration with Fromm Foundation, Visiting Lecturer on Music

Merritt Moore

Visiting Artist
Merrit Moore


5 results found.

Claire Chase

Faculty Residency
Claire Chase

Liz Lerman

Visiting ArtistCollaboration with HUCA

Sohin Hwang

Faculty ResidencyCollege Fellow: Art, Film and Visual Studies
Sohin Hwang

Walé Oyéjidé

Visiting ArtistCollaboration with Harvard University Committee on the Arts (HUCA)
Wale Oyejide

Young Joo Lee

Visiting ArtistCollege Fellow: Theatre, Dance & Media


4 results found.

Ayodele Casel

Visiting ArtistCollaboration with Harvard Dance Center and the University Committee on the Arts (HUCA)
Ayodele Casel

Karthik Pandian

Faculty Residency
Karthik Pandian

OJ Slaughter

Visiting Artist

Young Joo Lee

Visiting ArtistCollege Fellow: Theatre, Dance & Media