Harvard Ed Portal: Dyllan Nguyen, Fair Play

ArtLab welcomes Dyllan Nguyen as part of our collaboration with the Harvard Ed Portal Artist Pipeline. This program supports artists from diverse backgrounds and mediums who live and/or work in the Allston-Brighton neighborhood. Fair Play is an interactive installation in development that uses the object language of table tennis to explore individual differences, acceptance, and empathy-building through playful experiences. At ArtLab, Nguyen explored and developed table tennis balls, paddles, and nets using unconventional forms and materials. These unorthodox game components require players to modify how they engage with the game and each other, encouraging creative problem-solving and collaboration. Nguyen participated in an ArtsThursdays Open Studio event at ArtLab in September 2024.
Dyllan Nguyen is a queer, Vietnamese-American artist and educator based in Boston who works at the intersection of art, design, education, and advocacy. Nguyen seeks out opportunities to build community and actively engage with the world – using hands and mind to imagine and fabricate, embracing curiosity by continuously learning, and fostering empowerment through facilitating creative spaces for others. Interests in distraction, systems of value, play, and empathy form the primary themes in Nyugen’s recent works. Nguyen co-founded Non Issue Studio, which creates custom objects and workshops for all ages.
Fair Play is on display at the Crossings Gallery at the Harvard Ed Portal from October 31 to December 12, 2024. For more information, visit: https://edportal.harvard.edu/fair-play.